
Concerts to be Given by Pierian

The Pierian Sodality will give a series of three concerts in Easter week, centering around the annual concert in Sanders Theatre on April 14. The program of this performance will be repeated in the Worcester concert on April 16. The other performance is a joint concert with the Brown University Glee Club, to be given in Providence on a date now under consideration. The program will consist of several numbers of the annual concert, an Organ Toccata by Bach, and a group of three songs composed by Harvard men and sung by F.R. Hancock '11.

The officers for 1909-10 of the Pierian Sodality have been elected as follows: president, W. G. Renwick 1L.; secretary, J. M. Longyear '10; treasurer, R. E. Jones '10; manager, A. T. Shohl '10.
