

Importance of Spring Practice Emphasized at Dinner of 1912 Team.

The Freshman football dinner was held last night at the Varsity Club. Besides the members of the Freshman team, Captain F. H. Burr '09, H. Fish, Jr., '10, captain of next year's eleven, Coach P. D. Haughton '99, several other coaches, and a number of graduates were present. Just before the dinner a telegram was sent to Captain H. L. Gaddis '12, who was unable to be present on account of illness. Coach G. F. Waterbury '10 was presented with a cup by the team in appreciation of his effective coaching.

W. F. Garcelon L.'95 presided and acted as toastmaster. He first congratulated Coach Waterbury on his success, and especially on the masterly way in which he developed light material into a perfect machine. Mr. Garcelon dwelt particularly on the effect which the Freshman victory produced on the graduates, the undergraduates, and the secondary schools. The effect which such a victory has on preparatory schools is remarkable, and it influences many men to come to Harvard.

Coach Haughton spoke briefly congratulating the Freshmen on their victory, and urging them to come out for spring practice. He said that he would rather keep the good advice which he had for them until he saw them on the field. Captain Burr said a few words about the great importance of perseverance in football. Many good players have not succeeded at first.

Captain Fish, the last speaker, spoke of the spring practice, which will begin in about two weeks. He emphasized the importance of this early work. A great deal of attention is given to individual coaching in the spring, while in the fall the coach must use his time in developing a machine. Captain Fish urged every one who was not playing on another team to report without fail.
