
Lowell Lectures by Professor Smith

Professor Theobald Smith, M.D., LL.D., professor of comparative pathology in the University, will deliver a series of lectures on "Our Defense Against the Micro-organisms of Disease," at the Lowell Institute in Boston. The first lecture, on "The Evolution of Disease," will be given this evening at 8 o'clock. These lectures are open to the public, and tickets may be secured free of charge by applying by mail to the Curator of the Lowell Institute, 491 Boylston street, Boston, enclosing one stamped and addressed envelope for each ticket desired.

The dates of the other lectures of the series will be as follows:

March 19--How Micro-organisms Produce Disease.

March 23--How the Body protects Itself.

March 26--Immunity and Vaccination.


March 30--How Infection is Disseminated.

April 2--Animals as Sources of Disease. Tropical Diseases.

April 6--Lessons from the Plagues of the Past.

April 9--Public Education and Preventive Medicine.
