
Prof. Lyon to Lecture on Palestine

Professor D. G. Lyon, h. '01, will deliver a series of four illustrated lectures on "Travel and Exploration in Palestine," at the Semitic Museum, on Wednesday afternoons, at 4 o'clock. The dates and titles are as follows: February 24 and March 3, "The Harvard Excavations at Samaria," March 10 and 17, "Present Conditions in Palestine as Illustrating the Bible." The series will be open to the public.

The material for these lectures was gathered by Professor Lyon during the year 1906-07, which he spent in Jerusalem as Director of the American School for Oriental Study and Research in Palestine. In particular, Professor Lyon made a study of the Harvard Excavations now being carried on in Samaria.

As curator of the Semitic Museum Professor Lyon obtained many photographs of Babylonian, Palestinian, Egyptian, and Arabian ruins. The steriopticon illustrations for his series of lectures have been made from this collection of photographs.
