

Several Changes.--Business Courses do not Count for A.B. or S.B.

The following half-courses will be offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the first time during the second half of the present academic year. Several of the courses given formerly throughout the year, have been divided into two half-courses. engineering 5 has been replaced by Engineering 5a and 5c; History 10, by History 10a and 10b; History 24, by History 24a and 24b. All men who have not passed in History 10a must obtain the instructor's permission before they will be admitted to History 10b. No courses given in the Graduate School of Business Administration can be counted for the degree of A.B. or S.B. Zoology 14d has replaced Zoology 15 and 16, and Mathematics 11 was formerly given as a whole course.

Architecture 5d.--Resistance of Materials.--Elementary Structural Design. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9 to 11. Mr. Killam.

Architecture 7.--On Design as Applied in the Arts. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 1.30 to 3.30. Dr. Ross and Mr. E. O. Parker.

Business 11.--Commercial Organization and Methods, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 1.30. Mr. Cherington.

Business 13.--Economic Resources of Eastern Asia and Australasia. Tuesday, Thursday, at 1.30. Mr. Treat.


Business 15.--Industrial Values. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 10. Assistant Professor Mitchell. (University of California).

Business 17.--Industrial Organization. Wednesday, Friday; 4.30 to 6. Professor Gay, Messrs. J. N. Gunn, F. W. Taylor, C. G. L. Barth, H. F. J. Porter, J. O. Fagan, H. E. Davidson, E. J. Bliss, R. Robb, J. E. Sterrett.

Business 22.--Foreign Exchange. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 9. Assistant Professor Sprague.

Business 24.--Investments. Monday, 2.30 to 4.30, Thursday, at 2.30. Mr. J. F. Moors.

Business 30.--Railroad Accounting. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 10. Dr. Daggett.

Business 32b.--Life Insurance. Tuesday, Thursday, 2.30 to 4.30. Mr. Dow.

Business 38.--The Administration of Municipal Business. Tuesday, 2.30 to 4.30, Thursday at 3.30. Mr. Farley.

Classical Philology 23.--Aeschylus (Agamemnon, Choephoroe, Eumenides). Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 11. Professor Weir Smyth.

Classical Philology 27.--Greek Political Theory.--Aristotle (Politics). Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 10. Professor Morgan.

Classical Philology 48.--Latin Poetry of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 12. Professor Clifford H. Moore.
