

Final Arrangements, Ushers, and Patronesses for Tonight's Dance.

The annual Junior dance will be held in the Union tonight. The music will begin at 8.30 o'clock and the first dance on the cards will be at 9. Cutting in will be allowed only on the encores to dances. Each dance will be divided as follows: a five-minute dance in which cutting in will not be permitted; a four-minute encore, and a six-minute intermission. The supper dance will be the thirteenth. "Stags" must get their supper in the Training Table Room.

The committee in charge of the dance is as follows: E. C. Bacon, chairman, G. G. Brown, J. R. Coolidge, 3rd, D. Crocker, C. Loring, G. W. Martin, T. J. Newbold, C. D. Osborne, W. B. Parsons, Jr., J. E. Thayer, Jr. These men, assisted by the following, will act as ushers: R. Aronson, E. N. Bennett, T. S. Blumer, H. Fish, Jr., F. A. Forster, R. L. Groves, C. L. Lanigan, L. M. Little, R. S. Marshall, S. W. Marvin, H. V. Morgan, F. M. de Selding, H. R. Shepley, P. Wyman. All ushers are requested to be at the Union promptly at 8.30 o'clock.

The patronesses are: Mrs. G. H. Ball, Mrs. J. R. Coolidge, Jr., Mrs. R. H. Dana, Mrs. C. W. Eliot, Mrs. H. C. Emmet, Mrs. A. Hemenway, Mrs. B. S. Hurlbut, Mrs. A. P. Loring, Mrs. R. B. Merriman, Mrs. G. F. Shepley, Mrs. H. Stackpole, Mrs. J. J. Storrow, Mrs. J. E. Thayer, Mrs. W. B. Thomas, Mrs. J. G. Thorp, Mrs. B. Wendell.

The final arrangements are as follows: the Living Room of the Union will be closed today until 8.30 o'clock. The Periodical, Game, and Writing Rooms will be open for the furnishing of boxes only from 11 to 5.30. The boxes in the Dining Room must be furnished between 3 and 5.30. All furniture must be tagged with the owner's name and address and must be removed from the Union before tomorrow noon. Lunch will be served today from 12 to 1.30 o'clock. Dinner will be served in the Ladies' Dining Room and the Training Table Room from 5.30 until 7 o'clock. At 6 o'clock the main entrance to the Union will be closed and access will be by the ladies' entrance only. After 7.30 o'clock dance tickets will be required for admission and must be presented at the ladies' entrance.

The music will be furnished by Gott's orchestra, and the order of dances will be as follows:


1. Waltz, "Espana."

2. Two-Step, "Up the Street."

3. Waltz, "Sounds from the Vienna Woods."

4. Waltz, "Santiago."

5. Two-Step, "Rainbow."

6. Waltz, "Roses from the South."

7. Waltz, "Eternelle Ivresse."

8. Barn Dance, Kerry Mills'.

9. Waltz, "Swing Song."

10. Waltz, "Yip-I-Addy-I-Ay."

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