
Triangular Debate Trials at 7.30

The first trials for the triangular debate with Yale and Princeton, to take place March 26, on the question "Resolved, That all corporations engaged in interstate commerce should be compelled to take out a federal charter," will be held in Upper Dane this evening at 7.30 o'clock. At this trial competitors will present five-minute speeches on either side of the question, special attention being given to form of presentation. About twenty candidates will be selected. Men wishing to take part in the trials should leave their names with D. Carb, Stoughton 2, before 12 o'clock. The list of speakers will be posted by 2 o'clock in Gore Hall and Upper Dane.

The second trials will take place on Thursday, February 18. At this time competitors will give ten-minute speeches, again selecting the side of the question they desire. The number of competitors will be reduced to twelve. The third trial will be held on Wednesday, February 24. Competitors will again present ten-minute speeches, six speaking upon the affirmative and six upon the negative. The order of speaking will be by lot. At the close of the ten-minute speeches each competitor will be required to make a rebuttal speech in accordance with suggestions given him at the time by the judges. At this trial a debating team of eight men, consisting of six principals and two alternates will be selected.
