

By the exercises today and tomorrow the addition to the University plant of the new Dental School building is formally marked. The alumni and officers of the School have worked long and faithfully that they might give to present and future generations of students the privileges of adequate equipment which they themselves did not have. Their loyalty to this department, and through it to the University, has been well rewarded.

For many years' the work of the dental students has been greatly hampered because the School was in an inconvenient quarter of the city, remote from the Medical School with which it should naturally have close relations, and from the institutions where the practical instruction must be given. The new building is conveniently near to the Medical School, yet not so close that its dissimilarity in style detracts from the beauty of the more pretentious plant. It is in close proximity to several hospitals, and in a part of the city which seems likely to become even more than at present the educational centre of Boston.

In point of equipment the Dental School is now on an equality with the Law and Medical departments. Its new quarters should enable it to carry on with greater effectiveness the tasks of instruction and charity in which it has hitherto been handicapped.


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