The Cercle Francais will present "Les Boulinard," a comedy in three acts by Ordonneau, Valabreque and Keroul as its annual play. The graduate presentation, which will be open to the members of the Cercle and their friends without any admission charge, will be given in Brattle Hall on Monday evening, December 20, and two public performances will be held in Jordan Hall, Boston, on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, December 22. Several of the members of the Pierian Sodality will probably play during the presentation.
The ushers for all three performances will be chosen from among the members of the Cercle. Tickets for the public performances at $1.50 each may be bought at the branch store of the Co-operative or at Herrick's or at Schoenhof's Bookstore in Boston. They may also be obtained from H.B.H. Ripley '12, Claverly 1.
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