The 1911 Finance Committee has been so appointed that one member will represent each dormitory, and one all men not living in the dormitories assigned. This committee will meet in Dana 26 today at 5.30 o'clock. It has been decided to assess each member of the class $1. As the class is now in debt, it is hoped that all men will pay this assessment as soon as possible so that all debts may be paid and the class may start its Senior year with a balance on hand.
The following men are on the committee: Beck, T. H. McKittrick, Jr.; Claverly, W. A. Lawrence; College House, A. K. Hanchett; Craigie, H. A. Rogers; Dana, A. Gregg; Dunster, J. Waite; Fairfax, L. Crocker; Grays, W. K. Blodgett; Hampden, S. O. Richardson; Holyoke House, C. S. Collier; Littles, J. P. Long; Matthews, S. B. Steel; Mt. Auburn St., E. W. Ellis; Perkins, including Foxcroft, L. H. Cushing; Randolph, including Apthorp House, M. E. Peabody; Ridgely, H. K. Bush; Russell, including Russell Annex, W. S. Jackson; Thayer, E. A. Bemis; Trinity, R. I. Case; Walter Hastings, H. Osgood; Weld, P. H. Bunker; Westmorly, N. H. Foster; unclassified, C. Hann, Jr.
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