The University Musical Clubs start on their western trip tomorrow afternoon. A special car leaves the Square at 2.10 o'clock and the train leaves the Back Bay Station at 2.40 o'clock. The trip ends in New York on the evening of December 30, where a concert will be given at the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria. Fifty-one men, chosen by competition from the Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs, will make the trip, accompanied by Manager J. S. Reed '10, Assistant manager R. S. Pattee '11, and Instrumental Coach W. M. Rice.
Concerts will be given in six cities on the following dates: in Springfield, December 23; in Cleveland, December 24; in Cincinnati, December 25; in Minneapolis, December 27; in Chicago, December 28; and in New York, December 30. Mail may be sent to members of the clubs in care of the following places: Hotel Hollendon, Cleveland, O.; Hotel Sinton, Cincinnati, O.; Minneapolis Club, Minneapolis, Minn.; University club of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; and Harvard Club of New York, New York City.
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Novice Fencing Tournament at 4.30