
Vacation Hockey for Other Colleges

During the Christmas recess the hockey teams of Yale, Princeton, and Dartmouth, as well as of Harvard, will take more or less extended trips, and each will play a series of games. The Yale team will go to Pittsburg the week following Christmas and at the Duquesne Gardens will meet either the University of Pittsburg or the Carnegie Institute of Technology in one game, and Princeton in three games on successive days. Going to Cleveland, Yale will play Cornell a series of three games.

Princeton will play six games during the recess. They will meet St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Williams in New York today and tomorrow respectively. On December 29 the team will go to Pittsburg to play the series of three games with Yale. The final game will be played with West Point at West Point on January 4.

The Dartmouth team will arrive in Boston today and during the recess will play a series of seven or eight games with schools and athletic club teams in and about the city. A majority of their games will be played on the rink of the Brae Burn Club in West Newton.
