

A program of the three days' convention of the Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs, to be held at Cornell University from Wednesday to Friday of this week, suggests the importance which attaches to the cosmopolitan movement. There are twenty-three American chapters in the Association, and it is now proposed to establish relations with similar student organizations of European universities. A feature of the meeting will be the breaking of ground for a new club house for the Cornell chapter.

The American Association is only three years old, and though some of the individual chapters are a few years older the whole organization is one of the very modern developments in the colleges. Foreign students are now coming to this country in numbers large enough to counterbalance the exodus of American students to European institutions. The development of the teaching of applied sciences here accounts for the presence of many of them, in part they are immigrants who are wisely commencing their permanent residence in this country by a university course.

To cultivate the social as well as the scholarly interests of the members has been the aim of the international organization everywhere. At different places this ideal is sought in different ways; at Cornell, for instance, a residence building has been thought necessary. In this University more modest methods have sufficed. It is still too soon for the full effects of the cosmopolitan movement to be evident; it is not too much to say, however, that it will promote the interchange of students between countries and in some measure aid the cause of international harmony.
