The change in the time of the Sunday services in Appleton Chapel which will go into effect after the recess is based on the experience of the preachers to the University, who have had for many years opportunity to study the conditions of church attendance. The worshippers at the evening services have represented the permanent residents of the city in much larger proportion than the student body. The fact that the students do not attend in larger numbers naturally suggested that it was because the hour was inconvenient. The change is, of course, not intended to drive away the people of Cambridge who have been accustomed to attend on Sunday evenings; but rather to meet the convenience of the students for whom all these services are maintained.
Any provision for the religious worship of the students must include a recognition of the fact that a considerable percentage of them live within easy travelling distance of Cambridge, and that these men will naturally go home over each week-end. Of the many who remain, some will establish relations with churches of their own denomination in Cambridge or Boston, though on account of the transitory character of the student community this number will never be large. Some there will always be who will not go to church at all, and some who go only on exceptional occasions, being discouraged from regular attendance by the remoteness of the churches which they would like to attend.
In these different groups of our shifting population are many who in their homes or preparatory schools have been accustomed to regular attendance on Sunday morning worship. It is these men that the new hour at Appleton Chapel is intended to accommodate. The high quality of the services is evidenced by the reputation of the preachers who come to conduct them. No church accessible to the students maintains higher standards of worship and instruction. The change has been made in the interest of the students, and those who are in charge of the services will look for proof of the wisdom of the change in an increased attendance.
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