
Harvard Joins Intercollegiate Assin

It has been voted by the Athletic Committee that Harvard join the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States. The association was formed in 1906 for the discussion of athletic problems in our colleges for the purpose of maintaining athleties on an ethical lane, in keeping with the dignity and high purpose of education.

The fourth annual convention will be held in New York on December 28, at the Murray Hill Hotel. Mr. W. F. Garcelon L.'95, graduate treasurer of athletics, will represent Harvard. Dr. D. A. Sargent, director of the Hemenway Gymnasium, who spoke at the convention last year, will also attend this year.

Fifty-eight institutions will be represented at the convention, the most important of which are Amherst, Dartmouth, Lafayette, Pennsylvania State Syracuse, Tufts, University of Chicago. University of Virginia, Wesleyan, and Williams. Columbia, Cornell, Princeton and Yale have not joined the association.
