The entry-book for the field and track event competitions, which are to be held in the Baseball Cage tomorrow, will be at Leavitt & Peirce's all day until 6 o'clock when the entries close. All candidates for the Freshman and University track teams are not only requested but expected to enter these competitions. The list of entries with the handicaps will be published in tomorrow's Crimson.
Contrary to an earlier announcement, all events but the standing 38-pound weight-throw for height will be handicapped. The meet will begin tomorrow at 2.30 o'clock promptly. Prizes will be given for first and second places in each of the following eight events: standing 38-pound weight-throw for distance, 16-pound shot-put, running high jump, running broad jump, pole-vault, 30-yard high hurdles, and 30-yard low hurdles.
The Baseball Cage cannot be used today as it will have to undergo preparation for the meet.
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Novice Fencing Tournament at 4.30