[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Now that the three-year rule is enforced in all our sports, it seems to me that every University team should have its prototype and training squad in the form of a Freshman team. The idea is well-known and recommended under the three-year system, and as the cross-country team has never had enough candidates, would it not be a good plan to have a Freshman team next autumn? Cornell has a very large squad of freshmen running every season, and the resulting championship teams from Ithaca would justify such a venture at Harvard. At almost all the larger colleges there are also class cross-country races, either during the season, or, more often immediately after it-the university men being allowed to compete for their respective classes,
I should therefore like to suggest the following schedules:
Freshman Team.
1. Trials for the team.
2. Fall handicap meet (mile or two-mile run).
3. Triangular run with Yale and Technology. (Or else a dual run with either, or one with each).
4. Interclass run. (After the intercollegiate run).
University Team.
1. Trials for team.
2. Fall handicap meet (mile or two-mile run).
3. Dual run with Technology.
4. Dual run with Yale.
5. Intercollegiate run.
6. Interclass run for class championship.
If only the team be granted a coach next year, would not some such scheme be worth trying? A thorough boom of cross-country running might set it permanently on its feet, and then we should no longer need to discuss its abolition, feeling sure that we were amply and ably represented in what is, after all, one of the best and oldest forms of sport known. M. S. CROSBY '08.
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Novice Fencing Tournament at 4.30