

Pres. Lowell to Speak at Conferring of Honors in Sanders Theatre.

The announcement of prizes and award of detours, won during the year 1908-1909, will take place at the annual meeting held for that purpose in Sanders Theatre this evening at 8 o'clock. Dean Hurlbut will preside, making a short preliminary statement of the purposes of the meeting, and later awarding the distinctions. The address will be made by President Lowell, and will be his first long formal address since his inauguration. The singing will be by the University Glee Club, and the audience is requested to join in the singing of the first and last songs, the words of which will be printed in the programs.

The program of the exercises will be as follows: MUSIC. "Fair Harvard,"  Samuel Gilman 1811 Glee Club. STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSES OF THE MEETING. The Dean of Harvard College. ADDRESS. The President of Harvard University. MUSIC. "The Night is Still,"  Willis Clark Glee Club. ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRIZES AND AWARD OF DETURS. MUSIC. "America,"  Samuel Francis Smith 1829 Glee Club.

These meetings for the award of distinctions were established ten years ago by the Faculty as a public recognition of the scholars of the College. Invitations are sent out to undergraduate scholars of the first and second groups, the Governing Boards, the members of the Faculty, to scholars of the first group who have graduated within the last two years, and to a few others; but the meeting is open to all members of the University and to the general public. Among the speakers in former years on the same occasion have been the late Senator George Frisbie Hoar '46, Major Henry Lee Higginson '55, Judge Francis C. Lowell '76, the late Rev. Edward Everett Hale '39, Mr. Frederick P. Fish '75, Hon. Samuel W. McCall, Mr. Owen Wister '82, and President Hadley h.'99, of Yale University.

The seats on the platform will be reserved for members of the Faculty and the Governing Boards, and those on the floor for scholarship, prize, and detur winners and former winners of distinctions. Seats in the first balcony will be reserved for invited guests and members of the University until 7.55 o'clock, when the public will be admitted. The second balcony will be open to the public throughout.
