
First Lecture by Dr. De Mot at 8

Dr. Jean De Mot, of Brussels, will deliver a stereopticon lecture on "Modern Belgian Art," this evening at 8 o'clock in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum. This lecture, which is given on special invitation of the Department of Fine Arts, will be delivered in French and will be open to the public.

Dr. De. Mot, who is Professor a Academic royale des Beaux Arts de Bruxelles and Attache des Musees royaux du Cinquantenaite, has been sent by the Bel- gian government to arrange for the loan of Flemish paintings of the seventeenth century for the exposition which is to be held in Brussels, beginning in April, 1910. He will give a second lecture this week, on Friday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock in Emerson J, on "Modern Belgian Literature,--Maeterlinck and Verhaeren." This lecture is given on invitation of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and, like the first, will be delivered in French and open to the public
