President Lowell will be the principal speaker at a meeting in the Old South Church on Sunday in the interest of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. This is the first public address which he has made since his inauguration. George A. Gordon '81 and Booker T. Washington will also speak.
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Sunday Sermon by Dr. GordonThe Rev. George A. Gordon, D.D., '81, of Boston, who has been conducting morning prayers during the past week, will
Pres. Lowell to Speak TomorrowPresident Lowell will be the principal speaker at a meeting to be held in the Old South Church, Boston, tomorrow
Pres. Lowell in Old South ChurchAt a meeting held last night in the Old South Church, Boston, in the interest of the Tuskegee Normal and
DINNER OF PHILLIPS CLUBThe Phillips Club will hold an inauguration dinner in the Assembly Room of the Union this evening at 7 o'clock.
Tuskegee Singers Coming to UnionThe Tuskegee Singers, a colored quintet from Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute of Tuskegee. Alabama will sing a group of