

Yesterday's brief report of the meeting of the Board of Overseers recorded a vote in which that body concurred with the Corporation in approval of the establishment of Freshman dormitories. The subject is of less immediate interest than the approaching changes in the elective system, but Freshman dormitories, when they become realities, will have a greater effect on undergraduate life than any limitation that is likely to be placed on the choice of studies.

While restrictions on the selection of courses will affect only a part of the undergraduates and that in but a limited degree, the enforced residence together of all men in their first year will leave its impression on every student who enters the College. To break down the barriers between preparatory school groups, to minimize the natural distinctions which differences of geographical origin and of wealth have set up--in a word to encourage class coherence and so to produce democratic men--will be the natural results of this system.

Many obstacles are to be met before this idea of class unity can be accomplished. First, and most important, is to secure the necessary funds; then, whether to erect new buildings or to utilize old ones; what location to select; how to assign the rooms so that friction will be avoided and natural associations be formed. Time and patience will be required for the working out of these problems; but we believe that under President Lowell's direction their solution will be reached, and that the present College generation will see the working out of his theories.
