The formal presentation of the Filley Cups for the inter-dormitory rowing championship was made last night in the Thayer Common Room. Mr. B. A. G. Fuller '00, in making the presentation, said that in donating these cups he was attempting two things: first, to recall the work of O. D. Filley '06, captain of the University crew in 1905 and 1906; and second, to cultivate among undergraduates a fondness for rowing and athletics in general. Captain Filley was the first man to recognize the value of secondary rowing and it was chiefly due to him that inter-dormitory rowing was instituted.
H. P. Fowler '10, captain of the Thayer crew, then received the large perpetual challenge trophy, and the small cup, which becomes the permanent property of that crew.
Following this, J. E. Waid '10, captain of the University crew, spoke briefly on the splendid spirit shown by the Thayer crew this fall.
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