

Tomorrow Afternoon.--Slight Improvement During Past Week.

The work in fall rowing for the three University crews will culminate tomorrow in the annual race of the three eights over the three and one-half mile course from the Stillman Infirmary to the Union Boat Club. The handicaps have not yet been decided.

Last week the University eight showed a slight improvement but as yet the rowing is only fair. Yesterday the crew took a long row down beyond Harvard Bridge and back. The work seemed smoother, with a better and more even body swing along the keel of the boat.

The second crew will be handicapped by the loss of Balch and Whitney on account of illness, from 7 and bow, respectively, but the crew as a whole is full of life and dash, well together, and should give the University eight a very hard fight. The third crew has also suffered much from repeated changes. Its chances, however, of making a hard race, have greatly increased since Wiggins has been stroking the boat, although the crew is hardly together and the slide work at times is poor.

The orders at present are:

University crew--Stroke, Cutler; 7, Waid; 6, Newton; 5, Bacon; 4, Strong; 3, Metcalf; 2, Leslie; bow, Sargent; cox., King.


Second crew--Stroke, Forster; 7, Hooper; 6, Higginson; 5, Maxwell; 4, Waite; 3, Loring; 2, Parker; bow, Anderson; cox., Voorhees.

Third crew--Stroke, Wiggins; 7, Coe; 6, Peabody; 5, Beane; 4, Cudahy; 3, Hoar; 2, Richardson; bow, Shillito; cox., Kempton.
