
Princeton and Dartmouth Tied

Princeton and Dartmouth each scored six points in their annual football game at Princeton on Saturday. Cunningham, the Princeton right halfback, obtained the only points of the game for his team by kicking two goals from the field in the first half. Dartmouth's touchdown was the result of a blocked kick on Princeton's 8-yard line and a plunge through tackle by Marks, the Dartmouth fullback. Throughout the game Dartmouth played largely on the defensive against their more aggressive opponents. The work of both teams was marred by fumbling. Onside kicks by Dartmouth and forward passes by Princeton were tried frequently, but with little success.

The Princeton line-up follows: l.e., Ballin; l.t., Siegling; l.g., Waller; c., Bamman; r.g., McCormick; r.t., McGregor; r.e., Welch; q.b., Bergin; l.h.b., Read; r.h.b., Cunningham; f.b., Hart.
