
Western Tour by President Eliot

President Eliot will leave Cambridge on November 8 to deliver a series of lectures at the University of Virginia, and to address various civic organizations in Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Ohio, and in Virginia. On the evening of November 8 he will speak in Philadelphia before a meeting of the Contemporary Club on "Adverse Tendencies in University Life." Going to Charlottesville, Virginia, he will deliver at the University of Virginia a series of three lectures on successive days, beginning November 10. The general subject of his lectures will be "The Struggle between Collectivism and Individualism in a Democracy." This will be considered in separate lectures from the standpoints of Industries, Education and Social Life, and Government.

After concluding his lectures at the University of Virginia, President Eliot will deliver an address before the City Council and public of Charlottesville on "Government by Commission." From here he will go to Cincinnati, Ohio, to address the joint annual meeting of the American Civic Association and the National Municipal League on the subject "The Conservation Movement." Before returning to Cambridge he will go to Hampton, Virginia, to attend a meeting of the friends and promoters of Hampton Institute.
