All members of the University wishing to enter the competition for the Pasteur Debating Medal must hand in their names to T. M. Gregory '10, Stoughton 14, before Thursday evening at 9 o'clock. On Friday evening at 7 o'clock all competitors will meet in the Assembly Room of the Union, where each man will be given five minutes to speak on any phase of the question, "Resolved, That the French government should adopt an income tax in order to distribute more equitably the burden of taxation." Six or seven men will be retained from this competition to speak in the final trial in the New Lecture Hall on Friday, December 17.
In judging all speeches, not only the logic and clear presentation of the subject, but also the general knowledge, manner of deliver, and the literary style of the competitor, will be considered. The three judges for the final trial will be chosen as follows: one from the French Department, one from the Department of Public Speaking, and one from the Debating Council.
The Pasteur Medal Prize was founded in 1898 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, and is awarded to the best speaker in an annual debate on a subject drawn from contemporary French politics.
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