

To be Carried on This Week.--Receivers for the Various Dormitories.

The semi-annual collection of clothing, magazines and text-books will be made under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House during this week. The collectors appointed will not call at the rooms in the buildings assigned to them as in previous years, since under the old system many men were never found during the collecting period and the results were generally unsatisfactory. They will send to each man in the building, however, a printed card stating the purpose of the collection, asking his co-operation and stating the room in which the contributions may be left. On Saturday wagons will be sent around to the buildings to collect everything that has come into the hands of the collectors.

It is hoped that the collection will be unusually large this fall, as the requests made to the Phillips Brooks House are very numerous. The clothing will be sent to worthy charitable institutions and the magazines will be distributed among hospitals, reading-rooms and charity homes. The text-book loan library, which has been of great service to many, is supplied with books received in this collection and needs those books used in large courses such as History 1, Government 1, and Economics 1, as the demand for these is the greatest.

The following men are in charge of the buildings assigned to them, and although in some cases they are not the men with whom contributions may be left, the list has been printed so that in case of any confusion there may be somebody to whom men can refer: Apley 54, R. D. Fay '13; Anthorp 1, T. T. Scudder '11; Beck 5, T. H. McKittrick '11; Brentford 5, W. B. Harris '13; Claverly 30, J. E. Boit '12; College House 6, W. Gleason '13; Conant 16, F. E. Richter '13; Criagie 205, H. A. Rogers '11; Dana 35, P. D. Smith '11; Divinity 2, P. Snedekar '11; Drayton 5, J. G. B. Perkins '11; Hampden 33, D. C. Fales '11; Hollis 25, J. H. Braddock '10; Holworthy 10, G. S. Deming '10; Holyoke 37, A. Gunn '11; Little's 8, M. C. Allen '11; Matthews 5, H. C. Merriam '11; Perkins 19, R. H. Holt '11; Randolph 30, F. F. A. Pearson '11; Ridgely 36, j. J. Cabot '13; Russell 17, G. H. Roosevelt '13; Russell Annex 33, J. T. Coolidge '11; Shepherd's Block, H. B. Whele '11; Stoughton 1, A. McQuade '10; Summer Hall 15, D. L. Marks 3L.; Thayer 47, E. A. Bemis '11; Trinity 7, D. V. Baker 2M.; Wadsworth 11, F. H. Hall '10; Walter Hastings 32, W. A. Cole 1L.; Ware 55, W. Shepaard '11; Weld 31, G. s. Phenix '12; Westmorly 103, P. K. Houston '12; 5 Linden street 8, R. W. Williams '12.

Men in boarding houses not assigned on this list are asked to leave their contributions at the nearest dormitory.
