The music for the three performances of "The Scarecrow," to be given by the Dramatic Club on December 7, 9, and 11, will be provided by the Pierian Sodality Orchestra. The opening number will be a dedication prologue, "The Scarecrow," written especially for the Dramatic Club by C. D. Clifton '12, leader of the orchestra. Unlike the overture to "The Promised Land," composed last fall by P. G. Clapp '09, this prologue will not so much provide a mere epitome of the theme of the play as attempt to picture the relations of the motives and characters of the drama proper. There are four ideas, fantasy, love, grotesqueness, and aspiration; each of these will be treated with respect to its relative importance. The prologue is, however, from the standpoint of the musical analyst, in strict sonata form and can be fairly called an overture.
The following is the remainder of the program: "The Geisha"--selections, by Sidney Jones; Andante Cantabile, by Tchaikowsky, arranged by P. G. Clapp '09; entre'actes, incidental music, by C. D. Clifton '12.
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