
Commemoration of John Harvard

The three hundred and second anniversary of the birth of john Harvard, which occurs today, will be marked by a short address in Appleton Chapel this morning at the time of the usual morning prayers. Rev. Francis J. McConnell, D.D., L.L.D., president of De Pauw University, Green-castle, Indiana, who will conduct the service, will speak on "The Inheritance of the Meek," taking the life of the young and humble English clergyman as the basis of his talk. The first service in commemoration of the birth of John Harvard was held in 1904. In succeeding years, with the exception of 1907, the anniversary was allowed to pass without special notice. On the occasion of the three hundredth anniversary two years ago a notable celebration was held. It is planned to mark the birthday henceforth by a brief address similar to the one to be given today.
