
Lecture on Mechanical Flight

Owing to valuable Oriental Art collections now on exhibition in the Fogg Art Museum, its use for the moving picture exhibit of the Harvard Aeronautical Society scheduled for Monday and Wednesday evenings has been withdrawn because of danger from fire which might arise from the use of the cinematograph. The exhibition, nevertheless, will be given in the immediate future, probably in Brattle Hall on December 10, in which case the admission regulations will be the same as before, that is 50 cents for all who are not charter members of the society.

In the place of the moving picture exhibitions, a stereopticon lecture will be given by Mr. A. A. Merrill on "The Principles of Mechanical Flight" in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum on Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Merrill is the lecturer on aeronautics for the Boston Y. M. C. A. and has delivered lectures on that subject at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. To this lecture admission will be free and it will be open to members of the University.
