On account of the success of the plan last year, it has been decided to continue this winter the course of Union lectures on the professions. The first in this series will be given by President Garfield of Williams College on "Education" on Thursday, December 9. Among other speakers to be announced later are Dr. R.C. Cabot '89 and Dr. Endicott Peabody h. '04.
The following entertainments are to be given in the Union during December:
Tuesday, December 7--Lecture by Mr. Joseph Mitchell Chapple, editor of the National Magazine, Subject to be announced.
Thursday, December 9--First lecture of series on professions. President W.A. Garfield, of Williams College, on "Education."
Tuesday, December 14--Lecture by the Hon. E. Sumner Mansfield, Belgian consul in Boston, on "The Congo Question."
Wednesday, December 15--First of three readings by Mr. C.T. Copeland '82. Open to all members of the University.
Friday, December 17--Pop-night by the Pierian Sodality.
Unless otherwise specified these entertainments will be open only to members of the Union.
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Result of Weight Throwing Contest