

Those Harvard graduates who have chosen to continue their benefactions to the University in the form of the concerts under Mr. Whiting's direction, are expressing their generosity in a unique and altogether delightful manner. In the two years that the concerts have been given a multitude of music lovers have found pleasure and profit in the excellent music and the no less excellent descriptive talks. Sufficient proof of the popularity of this course, were such evidence needed, exists in the necessity of a transfer this year to a larger hall.

Of the many forms of entertainment, mostly lectures, which are offered each year under the auspices of the University, this series of concerts is almost the only one which is open only to members of the University. If they were open to the public it can hardly be doubted that the attendance would be chiefly of the people outside the University community, as indeed is the case with the Symphony concerts in Sanders Theatre. While it is a part of the University's duty to maintain its extension service for the benefit of the surrounding community, it is but fairness to the students that when both the University and the public can not be accommodated, the former should have preference.

None who have in the past attended one of Mr. Whiting's recitals will need urging to go again. Those who have not had that pleasure will only need to go once to realize their value. It is to be hoped that the series which opens tonight will be attended by large audiences, in order that the fullest advantage may be made of the opportunity which is given for hearing certain forms of classical music in an intelligent and satisfactory rendering.
