
Trains From Boston After Game

The following trains on the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, will be most convenient for those wishing to return to New London, New Haven and New York after the game:

Merchants' Limited.--Leaves South Station at 5 o'clock, Back Bay Station at 5.04 o'clock; arrives New London at 7.17 o'clock, New Haven at 8.15 o'clock, New York at 10 o'clock.

No. 25--Leaves South Station at 5.30 o'clock, Back Bay Station at 5.34 o'clock; arrives New London at 8.08 o'clock, New Haven at 9.15 o'clock, New York at 11 o'clock.

No. 671.--Leaves South Station at 5.50 Back Bay Station at 5.54 o'clock; arrives New London at 9.30 o'clock.

Federal Express.--Leaves South Station at 8 o'clock, Back Bay at 8.04 o'clock; arrives New London at 10.38 o'clock, New Haven at 11.55 o'clock; does not stop at New York. There will be no special trains on the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, but the above trains will run in as many sections as necessary.


The following trains over the Boston and Albany will be most convenient for those returning to Worcester, Springfield and Albany:

No. 49.--Leaves South Station at 4.50 o'clock, Trinity Place at 4.54 o'clock; arrives Worcester 6.56 o'clock, Springfield 7.25 o'clock, Albany 10.40 o'clock.

No. 29.--Leaves the South Station at 5 o'clock, Trinity Place at 5.04 o'clock; arrives at Worcester at 6.05 o'clock, Springfield at 8 o'clock.

No. 39.--Leaves South Station at 5.52 o'clock, Trinity Place at 5.54 o'clock; arrives Worcester 6.56 o'clock, Springfield 8.19 o'clock, Albany 11.40 o'clock.

No. 37.--Leaves South Station 7.35 o'clock, Trinity Place 7.39 o'clock; arrives Worcester 8.39 o'clock, Springfield 10.10 o'clock Albany 1.40 o'clock.
