
Statistics of the Yale Team

E. H. Coy '10, captain and fullback, prepared at Hotchkiss School where he played halfback. He captained his freshman team and played left tackle. He has played fullback on the university team for two years. He is 21 years old, weighs 195 pounds, and is 6 feet tall.

J. R. Kilpatrick '11, end, prepared at Andover Academy where he played halfback. He was captain of his freshman team and played the same position. He is 21 years old, weighs 190 pounds, and is 5 feet 11 inches tall.

H. H. Hobbs '10S., tackle, prepared at Andover Academy where he played on the team for three years and was captain his last year. He was tackle on the Dartmouth team one year and played the same position on the university team last year. He is 25 years old, weighs 208 pounds, and is 5 feet 11 1-2 inches tall.

H. H. Andrus '10S., guard, prepared at Laurenceville Academy where he played on the team for four years and was captain one year. He afterwards went to Andover Academy where he played one year. He played on his freshman team and was guard on the university team last year. He is 26 years old, weighs 208 pounds, and is 6 feet 1 inch tall.

C. T. Cooney '10, centre, prepared at Exeter Academy where he played the same position. He played on his freshman team and has been on the university team for two years, playing guard and centre. He is 22 years old, weighs 232 pounds, and is 6 feet 1-2 inch tall.


W. A. Goebel '10, guard, prepared at Phoenix High School where he played guard. He played the same position on his freshman team and has been guard on the university team for two years. He is 22 years old, weighs 210 pounds, and is 6 feet 2 inches tall.

T. Lilley '10S., tackle, prepared at the Taft School where he played the same position. He was on his freshman team and played tackle on the university team last year. He is 20 years old, weighs 188 pounds, and is 6 feet tall.

H. F. Vaughan '11L.S., end, prepared at Exeter Academy. He was captain of his freshman team. He is 25 years old, weighs 160 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

A. Howe '12, quarterback, prepared at Hotchkiss School where he played the same position. He was quarterback on last year's freshman team. He is 19 years old, weighs 155 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

S. H. Philbin '10, halfback, prepared at Westminster School where he played the same position. He played halfback on his freshman eleven and has played halfback on the university team for two years. He is 21 years old, weighs 177 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 1-2 inches tall.

F. J. Daly '11, halfback, prepared at Andover Academy where, as captain of the team, he played fullback. He played halfback on last year's university team. He is 23 years old, weighs 172 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

F. J. Murphy '10, halfback, prepared at Andover Academy. He played on his freshman team and has played two years on the university team. He is 23 years old, weighs 173 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

W. S. Logan '10, end, prepared at Hotchkiss School. He played end on his freshman team and the same position on the university team last year. He is 21 years old, weighs 166 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 1-2 inches tall.

J. F. Johnson '10, quarterback, prepared at Hill School where he played the same position. He was quarterback on last year's university team. He is 23 years old, weighs 156 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

H. G. Hoit '10, halfback, prepared at Westminster School. He played halfback on his freshman team and has been on the university squad for two years. He is 22 years old, weighs 172 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

F. Hyde '11, centre, prepared at Andover Academy where he played the same position. He was on last year's second team. He is 20 years old, weighs 187 pounds, and is 6 feet tall.

E. Savage '11S., end, prepared at Exeter Academy. He played right end on last year's freshman team. He is 19 years old, weighs 184 pounds, and is 6 feet tall.

J. W. Field '11, fullback, prepared at Eastern High School, Washington, D. C., where he played halfback. He played on the university team last year. He is 22 years old, weighs 175 pounds, and is 5 feet 9 inches tall.

W. L. Brown '10, tackle, prepared at Hotchkiss School where he played guard for three years. He played on his freshman and two years on the university squad. He is 26 years old, weighs 190 pounds, and is 6 feet 2 inches tall.

P. T. Francis '12, halfback, prepared at Hill School. He played tackle on the freshman team last year. He is 21 years old, weighs 180 pounds, and is 5 feet 9 3-4 inches tall.

A. Corey '11, quarterback, prepared at Hotchkiss School where he played quarterback for three years. He played the same position on the university team last year. He is 19 years old, weighs 186 pounds, and is 5 feet 5 inches tall.

S. H. Brooks '11S., end, prepared at Andover Academy. He played end on last year's freshman team. He is 19 years old, weighs 170 pounds, and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

T. C. Naedele '10S., end, prepared at Hartford High School. He is 22 years old, weighs 175 pounds, and is 5 feet 11 inches tall.
