

In the game today the two strongest teams of the country will play to decide the championship of the year. Rarely have Harvard and Yale come through the season with clearer titles to supremacy. Neither team has been so hard pressed in any game that it has been obliged to use its full resources of strategy; consequently all the variations of modern football that can be depended on to gain ground will be used today. For these reasons, and for the interest that Harvard-Yale contests always have, it should be the best game of the year.

Yale is known to have a very powerful eleven, and its record is proof of the assertion. It began the season with an abundance of excellent material, and has had the services of an expert coaching staff. The team-play which was lacking last year has served to increase the possibilities of players who as individuals were already prominent.

Harvard was not so well off at the opening of the season in point of material, but in its coaches was fortunate in being able to secure Mr. Haughton and his assistants of 1908. On the same principles as last fall they have developed a team which has but one or two stars, but which in its team-play is one of the best that ever represented the University. It has been much retarded by injuries but it comes to the final game in better condition than is usual at the end of a hard season. Besides its knowledge of football, the team has the excellent spirit that impels it to fight hardest against the biggest odds.

"To brag little, to show well, to crow gently when in luck; to own up, to pay up and shut up when beaten--these are the virtues of a sporting man."
