In its three-fold capacity as an organizing power for the "Harvard forward" movement in Boston, as an entertainer of the University's guests and especially as host to various groups of members of the University, the Harvard Club of Boston has become an in valuable aid to the institution to which it owes allegiance. In its first year of active existence it exerted a strong influence in bringing together the many graduates in the vicinity of Boston and in associating them more closely with the University, two achievements of great benefit to the undergraduates and to the University at large. Moreover, the possibilities of service which the club affords are just beginning to be tested.
The dinners given last year to the winning crews and baseball team, to the football team, to the first and second groups of scholars, were most enjoyable occasions to the undergraduates who were fortunate enough to be entertained. The club deserves the thanks of the student body for its kindness in including in its program for this year a similar series of receptions.
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