In the open football practice held in the Stadium yesterday afternoon the University and substitute teams were given nothing but light signal drill. Captain Fish was not on the field and his place in the line was taken at first by Bush and later by L. Withington, the latter being replaced at left guard by Perkins. For an hour previous to the opening of the gates for the graduate and undergraduate parade, the University team was drilled in signals, and a "dummy" scrimmage against the second team was held. The teams lined up as follows: Team Leaves Square at 1.50. This afternoon the University team, and substitutes, with the exception of the backs and ends, will go to Medfield, leaving Harvard square by special car at 1.50 o'clock. The backs and ends will be given a secret practice in the Stadium this afternoon, and will go to Medfield on the train leaving South Station at 5.16 o'clock. At Medfield the squad will stay at the Norfolk Hunt Club. The following will compose the squad that will be taken to Medfield: G. G. Browne '10, H. K. Bush '11, H. F. Corbett '11, C. E. Dunlap '11, H. Fish, Jr., '10, R. T. Fisher '12, F. A. Forster '10, T. Frothingham '12, S. Galatti '10, H. Hooper '10, F. deH. Houston '10, F. D. Huntington '12, H. C. Leslie '11, E. V. Long '10, W. M. Minot '11, R. G. McKay '11, G. E. Morrison '12, D. V. O'Flaherty '10, J. G. B. Perkins '11, E. P. Pierce '12, H. A. Rogers '11, L. D. Smith '12, P. D. Smith '11, H. B. Sprague '11, A. E. Stow '12, G. S. West '10, R. B. Wigglesworth '12, L. Withington '11, P. Withington '10, Managers W. B. Parsons '10, H. deWindt '12, F. C. Gray '12, Coaches P. D. Haughton '99, C. D. Daly '01, C. Blagden '02, F. Cutting '08, Dr. E. H. Nichols '86, and Trainer Donovan. Freshman and Second Scrimmage In the 30-minute scrimmage between the University second team and the Freshmen, neither team was able to score. The line-ups:
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