

Great Demonstration for Team,--Mr. Garcelon Spoke as Mass Meeting.

An enthusiastic crowd of 500 graduates and about 1500 undergraduates marched to Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon to witness the last practice of the University team in Cambridge in preparation for the Yale game. The undergraduate parade assembled in front of Holworthy under the class officers at 3.15 o'clock, and, preceded by Kanrich's fife and drum corps, marched to the Stadium.

In front of Claverly the parade passed the graduates who, under Chief Marshal J. W. Hallowell '01, formed in order of classes at 3.30 and followed the undergraduates to the field, where they took seats below them in the Stadium. Chief Marshal Hallowell followed by the Salem Cadet Band of 51 pieces, led the procession. After the band came Col. M. P. Hallowell '61, and 50 members of classes previous to 1890. Then followed the classes in order of graduation, each with a banner. Upon their arrival on the field they cheered Coach Haughton and the undergraduates. The latter responded with enthusiastic cheers for the graduates, Coach Haughton, Captain Fish and the members of the team. The University team held a snappy five-minute signal drill and then retired to the Locker Building after cheering both the graduates and undergraduates.

After the scrimmage, cheers were given for the coaches, members of the team and the substitutes. The procession then formed again and, led by the graduates, marched back to University Hall, where more cheers were given before the parade disbanded.

Last Mass Meeting Well Attended.

The most enthusiastic and best attended mass meeting in several years was held in the Living Room of the Union last night. Old and new songs were sung under the leadership of J. S. Reed '10. C. L. Lanigan '10 and G. P. Gardner, Jr., '10 led the cheering, which included the "long cheer." This was tried for the first time last night at the suggestion of E. C. Bacon '10. It met with instantaneous success, and is composed of three Harvards, nine rahs, three Harvard, nine rahs, three Harvards, nine rahs, and nine Harvards, ending with a crescendo.


W. F. Garcelon L.'95 was the speaker of the evening. He emphasized the fact that unanimity was of vital importance; that the spirit behind the team counts almost as much as the power of the team itself. During the last two years a system of coaching has been developed which puts one man in absolute control, and confusion is thus avoided. Haughton is one of the greatest coaches the country has ever seen. A large amount of credit is due to all the coaches and the second team. Co-operation, however, is necessary; if you can't do much, push the man ahead of you, and he, in his turn, will push the man ahead of him, and finally the impetus will reach the man at the head of the line, which, in this case, is the football team.

It was announced that the whole University will march to Soldiers Field on Saturday, and that a band of 25 pieces will be at the game.
