

By Graduates and Undergraduates.--Last Mass Meeting Tonight at 8.

The graduates and undergraduates of the University will march to Soldiers Field this afternoon to witness the last open practice before the Yale game. Every member of the University is expected to report at 3.15 o'clock in front of Holworthy, where lines will be formed by classes behind Kanrich's fife and drum corps.

The class officers, and H. B. Gardner '13, R. P. Lewis '13, and O. Wolcott '13, for the Freshmen, will serve as marshals for the classes. As many of the graduates as possible will meet in front of Claverly at 3.30 to form in marching order under marshals for each class, behind the Boston Cadet Band of 51 pieces.

The undergraduates will precede the alumni down Boylston street and take seats in the Stadium to cheer the graduate parade as it comes upon the field. After marching once around the track, the latter will take seats beside the undergraduates to witness the practice. There will also be a game between the University second team and the Freshmen.

During the practice and the game the cheers and songs for the Yale game will be rehearsed. E. C. Bacon '10, G. PO. Gardner, Jr., '10, C. L. Lanigan '10, C. C. Little '10, and S. A. Sargent '10 will lead the cheering, and J. S. Reed '10 will conduct the singing. This will be the only occasion that the University will have before the game to directly encourage the team, and everyone should make it a point to put this before all other engagements. The probable line-ups: SECOND.  1913. Clifford, l.e.  r.e., Carr Coburn, l.t.  r.t., Felton Knapp, l.g.  r.g., Parmenter H. Morris, c.  c., Jones O'Hare, r.g.  l.g., Goodale Davis, r.t.  l.t., Lingard Whitney, r.e.  l.e., Parker Johnson, 1.b.  q.b., Gardner W. K. Page, l.h.b.  r.h.b. Wendell R. M. Page, r.h.b.  l.h.b.Graustein E. S. Blodgett, f.b.  f.b., Lewis

Mass Meeting in Union.


The last football mass meeting of the season will be held in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock. G. P. Gardner, Jr., '10 will preside and will lead the cheering, assisted by C. L. Lanigan '10. J. S. Reed '10 will lead the singing. Mr. W. F. Garcelon L. '95, Graduate Treasurer of the Athletic Association, will also be present ton give a short address. The four new songs which have been selected by the song committee, and which will be practiced, are: "Score," by J. S. Reed '10, with music by J. W. Adams '10; "Harvardiana." by S. B. Steel '11, with music by R. G. William '11; "Harvard's Jubilee," by S. B. Steel with music by R. S. Marshall '10; "Smashing Through Eli," by A. Z. Pyles '10, to the tune of "Marching Through Georgia." The old football songs will also be sung.

All members of the University, whether members of the Union, or not, will be admitted to the meeting.
