
Parade to Soldiers Field Tomorrow

An official notice was issued last evening from the Harvard Alumni Association in Boston asking all graduates to meet at 3.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in front of Claverly instead of Holworthy, as previously announced, to march to Soldiers Field. The Boston Cadet Band of 51 pieces has been hired for the occasion. All undergraduates will assemble in front of Holworthy at 3.15 o'clock and march to the field behind a fife and drum corps.

The undergraduates will precede the alumni down Boylston street and take seats in the Stadium to cheer the graduate parade as it comes on the field. After marching once around the track, the latter will take seats beside the undergraduates to witness the last practice before the Yale game. There will also be an exhibition game between the University second team and the Freshmen. During the practice and the game the songs and cheers selected for next Saturday will be rehearsed.
