
Crimson Handkerchiefs for Yale Game

Owing to the success of the plan last year, it has been decided to have each man in the cheering section at the game on Saturday provide himself with a crimson handkerchief to be used during the singing of the "Marseillaise." In addition everybody is requested to purchase a small crimson megaphone.

After 3 o'clock today the handkerchiefs may be ordered, at ten cents each, at Leavitt & Peirce's, the Rendezvous, University Smoke Shops, and at both branches of the Co-operative. A receipt will be given for each order, which may be exchanged for a handkerchief at Holworthy 17 from 9 to 5 o'clock on Friday. After today the megaphones may be ordered in the same way at a price to be announced later.
