
Western Trip for Musical Clubs

The western trip for the Musical Clubs has been provisionally settled and in all probability it will remain unchanged. Except for the trip in 1907 this will be the first trip that the Musical Clubs have taken for fifteen years. It will be much more extensive than the trips heretofore, and fifty men will be selected from the Glee, Mandolin, and Banjo Clubs by competition to go on the trip.

The Harvard graduates in the cities where concerts will be given have shown great enthusiasm in arranging entertainments for the members of the clubs, and the management of the concerts will be entirely in their hands. Two standard Pullman cars and one baggage car will accompany the clubs throughout the whole trip and between some places, where speed must be made, a special engine will draw the cars.

The clubs will leave Boston on the afternoon of December '22 and will give a concert in Springfield that night. Concerts will be given in Louisville, December 24; a dual one with Yale in Cincinnati on the following night; in Minneapolis, Minn., on December 27; in Chicago, Ill., on December 28; in Omaha, Neb., December 29; and in Denver, Col., on December 30. The return to Cambridge will be made on January 2.
