The first of the King's Chapel Free Lectures of the Lowell Institute will be given this afternoon by Professor W. H. Ryder h.'60, of the Andover Theological Seminary, on "The Gospels as Historical Records." This will be the first of a course of ten lectures on the general subject "Christianity as a Religion of the Spirit under Historical Conditions," by professors from the University and the Andover Theological Seminary.
The lectures, which will be at 2.30 o'clock, will come on Mondays, except the two following Christmas, and will continue through the month of February. The course will be given in King's Chapel, on Tremont Street, Boston, and the admission is free, no tickets being required.
The dates and subjects of the other lectures are: "The Miracles of the New Testament" by Professor J. H. Ropes '89; December 6, 13, "The Physical and Social Conditions in Which Christianity Arose as Illustrated by the Palestine of Today," by Professor D. G. Lyon h.'01; December 20, "The Relation of Primative Christianity to Jewish Thought and Teaching," by Professor W. R. Arnold; January 10, 17, "Early Christianity as Affected by Conditions of Graeco-Roman Life," by Professor E. Emerton '71; January 24, "The Essential Purpose of Jesus," by Professor E. Y. Hincks; January 31, "Certain Readjustments Between the Church and the Community Required by Recent Theological and Social Changes," by Professor A. P. Fitch '00; February 7, "Independency as a Principle of Church Order," by Professor J. W. Platner; February 14, 21, "The Essence of Christianity. The Present Conflict Concerning Christianity," by Professor E. C. Moore '78; February 28, "The Abiding Significance of Jesus," by Professor D. Evans.
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