

Against Dartmouth today the University team will be under the disadvantage of having to play a safe game. Plays and players must be saved as much as possible for the climax of the season a week from today. The Dartmouth eleven, which closes its season with this game, can use all its resources in this single effort.

Under these conditions the team is not to be unduly criticised if it plays a waiting game and uses an unvaried attack. As Captain Fish said in his speech at the last mass meeting, it is the Yale and not the Dartmouth game that counts, and it is by its showing next Saturday that the team is to be judged. It is in Harvard's favor that practically all of the men on the first squad are now in good condition and that the past week has seen greatly increased speed and accuracy in the work of the team as a whole. We expect Harvard to win, but we shall not be worried by a small score.
