
Plans at Memorial for Nov. 20

The Memorial Hall Dining Association announces a table d'hote dinner in Memorial Hall from 11.45 to 1.15 o'clock, and a spread in Sanders Theatre from 11.15 to 1.15 o'clock on the day of the Yale game, November 20. The table d'hote dinner, open to ladies accompanied by members, will be served at the rate of 75 cents to members and one dollar to non-members. Free tickets to the spread in Sanders Theatre will be issued to all members not applying for seats in the Hall.

Applications for seats at the table d'hote dinner have already been issued and must be in the hands of the Auditor, Memorial Hall, by 7 o'clock this evening. Members wishing to purchase seats adjoining may do so by enclosing their applications together.

Members of Yale University and Harvard graduates and their guests may attend the spread upon payment of 25 cents at the office on November 20.
