

This Afternoon at New Haven.--First Five Men on Each Team to Score.

The third annual cross-country run with Yale will be held on the Yale course at New Haven at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon. Each team will be made up of eight men, and the first five to finish on each will score. Each place will count according to its numerical position, and the team having the least total will win. Cups will be given to the winners of the first three places and the winning team will receive a banner.

The course runs for about one mile through fields, then for five miles over roads and a dirt causeway, and ends with an up-grade and one lap on the track on Yale field.

The members of the two teams are as follows: Harvard--W. H. Fernald '12, G. R. Harding '11, P. C. Heald '11, H. Y. Masten '10, W. P. Rogers '11, R. H. Rowse '12, E. L. Viets '11, P. R. Withington '12; Yale--A. M. Bidwell '11S., W. McK. Dunn '11, E. H. Gray '12, A. M. Haskell '10, W. F. Kaynor '11S., H. E. Marsh '11S., O. A. Mason '11, R. K. Niles '10.
