
Places Won at Brockton Fair Meet

In the handicap track meet held at the Brockton Fair yesterday afternoon, Harvard men secured three first, two second and a third place. G. P. Gardner '10 won both the 120-yard high hurdles and the 220-yard low hurdles. S. C. Lawrence '10 won the pole vault at 11 feet 2 inches, and R. Murray '12 and J. A. King '12 tied for third place. S. C. Lawrence '10 also secured second place in the high jump, but tied the winner in actual height, and broke the Brockton track record of 5 feet, 8 inches by two inches in the jump off for the record medal. H. T. Viets '10 came in second in the three-mile race.

A relay team composed of W. H. Fernald '12, E. K. Merrihew '10, H. W. Kelley '11, and D. P. Ranney '12 easily defeated the Cambridge relay team.
