Professor Joseph Bedier, of the College de France, where he is the successor of Gaston Paris, will give six lectures, in French, on La Chanson de Roland, in the two weeks October 11-23. Professor Bedier, who is widely known, among other things, for his work on the fabliaux and his reconstitution of the story of Tristan et Yseut, has been giving special attention to the question of the formation of the Old French epics, and has published thus far two volumes on the Legendes Epiques. These lectures should interest students of mediaeval literature and of the relations between different classes of society, especially those between monks and minstrels. They are based on the author's own investigations, and are not popular lectures for the general public. They will be open to members of the University and Radcliffe College and others interested in the subject. The times and the place will be announced later.
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