The final ceremonies attendant upon the inauguration of President Lowell were held yesterday. The Delegates from other institutions assembled in Memorial Hall at 9.30 o'clock to march to Sanders Theatre. Shortly before 10 o'clock the Delegates in their robes of office filed into Sanders Theatre where the Governing Boards and Faculties of the University were assembled on the platform.
President Lowell greeted the Delegates and received William Napier shaw, Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, who spoke in behalf of the Delegates from Foreign Institutions as follows:
"President Lowell:--The sense of academic solidarity is appropriate not only to the members of a single college or a single university, but to the common brotherhood of universities and colleges. I am on that account bold enough to speak in behalf of delegates from universities and colleges in Great Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, Bohemia, Switzerland, Holland, Norway, Cuba, Cape of Good Hope, and New Zealand. Sir, I convey to you on behalf of all these a message of heart-felt congratulation and good wishes on the occasion of your inauguration in the words of the cable message which I have just received from Emmanuel College: 'May you enjoy a tenure, long, illustrious, and worthy alike of the illustrious traditions of your office and of the name you bear.'
"The figure of John Harvard in the Emmanuel Chapel bears a scroll whereon is inscribed 'Populus qui creabitur laudabit dominum.' We recognize, sir, and we admire the way in which Harvard's university bore its part. We recognize and we admire the hold Harvard University has upon her sons, the greatness of the people in whose midst it is placed, and the greatness of the service which the University renders to the people.
May the future see still further increase in the greatness of your people and in the influence of the University under your guidance. In the solidarity of common effort we rejoice with you; your success is our success.
Governing Boards and Faculties of Harvard:--The master of Emmanuel once put the sentiment of collegiate solidarity, the keynote of this occasion, into the form of the paradox, 'Let us stick together when we part.' In expressing the thanks of the Delegates for the most cordial welcome you have given us, may I not adopt these words in behalf of the Delegates from all parts of the world? 'We shall stick together when we part.' In whatever parts of the planet we may happen to meet, the first greeting for any two of us will be 'We were at Harvard together at the inauguration of President Lowell in 1909.'"
In reply, President Lowell said:
"On behalf of Harvard University I want to thank you, Sir, and the other Delegates from Foreign Universities, for the honor you have done us by coming here. The ties of a common scholarship should be among the closest that bind together mankind, for they, know not time, place or nationality. The bond is universal and eternal. Men eminent by your achievements in literature, in history, in law and in science, bring us greetings from the older world of learning, and from our neighbors North and South, which we shall ever remember with pleasure and with pride."
Next, President Hadley of Yale spoke in behalf of the Delegates from the United States as follows:
"Within the last twenty years our universities and colleges have been drawn closer together than ever before. The conduct of a great institution of learning is no longer a matter which concerns its governing boards alone or its graduates alone; it is something which affects a hundred other institutions with which it comes in contact. Particularly true is this of the eldest in our collegiate sisterhood--the university whose pre-eminence in years is equalled by her proeminence in honors and services.
This is an occasion of rejoicing, not to one institution alone, but to all. We congratulate Harvard on her choice of a President; we felicitate Harvard's President on the opportunity which lies before him. Upon you, Mr. Lowell, falls rightfully the mantle of your predecessor; not simply by virtue of your office, but also by what you have done to merit that office. To a name already famous you have added new lustre. Your earliest writings gave an understanding of the real conditions of American business and American politics. In your later writing you have a similar understanding of the conditions that govern the business and politics of the world. As a member of the Harvard Faculty you have shown practical efficiency in grappling with educational problems. As a teacher and as a scholar you have stood for the highest ideals of scholarly form and scientific method. To all of us, whatever our calling, your presence in this place of honor gives assurance of co-operation in working out the problems of today and inspiration in conceiving and shaping those of tomorrow."
President Lowell's reply follows:
"To welcome this great company of Delegates from the universities and colleges in every part of our country has been a true delight; to reflect what their presence means for the solidarity of American education, and co-operation in solving its problems, is an inspiration, and to me a great encouragement. To you, Sir, as their spokesman, we desire to express our gratitude for your kind words. On more than one occasion you have yourself depicted the tasks that lie before us in sentences of fire; and I trust that in solving them, American institutions of higher learning will ever be drawn closer together in the bonds of common fellowship."
The Delegates were then presented to President Lowell in the order of the foundations of their Institutions.
At the conclusion of this ceremony the President thanked the Delegates and offered the services of guides to those desiring to be conducted through the University grounds or buildings.
At one o'clock the Harvard Club of Boston gave a luncheon at the Colonial Club to its members and visiting alumni.
The members of the Faculties of the University and the Delegates were entertained at Incheon at 1.30 o'clock in the Faculty Room of University Hall by President Lowell and Mrs. Lowell.
During the afternoon between 3.30 and 5.30 o'clock the Faculty of Medicine and the Medical Alumni Association received at tea the President and Fellows, the Board of Overseers, Delegates, and Faculties of the University. The alumni and students as well were invited.
The final ceremony of the inauguration was a formal dinner given last evening in the Union by the President and Fellows to the Delegates.
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