

In Hard Scrimmage Second Unable to Gain.--Wigglesworth at Quarter.

In the practice held in the Stadium yesterday afternoon the University scored one touchdown on the second team. The scrimmage was hard, and wigglesworth, who was in O'Flaherty's place at quarterback, ran the first team hard. P. D. Smith was on the field dressed to play, but only did light work. Corbett, Frothingham and O'Flaherty were given a rest, none of them taking part in the scrimmage.

After the usual preliminary practice in kicking and tackling, during which O'Flaherty practiced drop-kicking and tackling under the direction of Coach Kennard, the teams lined up for the scrimmage. The first few plays after the kick-off showed that the first team was playing well together, as it carried the ball to the second team's 40-yard line. Then the ball was taken back to the other half of the field and the first team confined itself to a kicking game. Sprague was doing the kicking, and Pierce the on-side kicking for the first team; while Minot and Kennard punted for the second. The second team could not gain; they played a loose and ragged game, so that, although they kicked every time, the first team worked the ball well into their opponents territory. Twice or three times the first team was in a position to score, only to be called back by the coaches. Then the coaches went into the scrimmage in place of the regular second team men and the first team had to fight for every yard. Coach F. H. Burr '09 was in the game for the first time. However, by a series of centre plays the ball was carried over the line, Galatti making the touchdown, just as time was called.

Then the substitutes went in on both teams, and the team-work became lax. Wigglesworth made several long gains, and a few minutes later caught a punt on his own 40-yard line and ran for a touchdown. His interference was good, but it showed that his run of yesterday was not altogether a fluke. Rogers did very good work, showing much improvement.

The teams lined up as follows:

The following men have been taken on the University football training table and are to report for breakfast this morning at the Varsity Club at 8 o'clock, unless previously notified: R. C. Brown '10, H. Hooper '10, G. E. Morrison '12, J. G. B. Perkins '11, E. P. Pierce, Jr., '12, L. D. Smith '12, A. E. Stowe '12, R. B. Wigglesworth '12, L. Withington '11. FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. F. de H. Houston, l.e.  r.e., C. N. Browne McKay, l.t.  r.t., Pfaelzer, Knowlton West, l.g.  r.g., Brock Withington, c.  c., Barber, Greene Fisher, r.g.  l.g., W. K. Blodgett, Burr Forster, r.t.  l.t., Coburn, Derby G. G. Browne, L. D. Smith, r.e.  l.e., P. K. Houston, Cutting, Beard Wigglesworth, q.b. q.b.,  Merrill, Kennard Pierce, Galatti, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Taylor Rogers, r.h.b. l.h.b.,  R. M. Page, Gregory Long, Warren, f.b.  f.b., E. S. Blodgett
